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Super Phos

SUPER PHOS® carbon-complexed with Micro Carbon Technology® can be foliar-applied, without the risk of phytotoxicity.


SUPER PHOS® carbon-complexed with Micro Carbon Technology® can be foliar-applied, without the risk of phytotoxicity. When soil-applied, it keeps phosphate available and soluble in the soil solution for rapid uptake by plant roots without being blocked by clays, metal ions, or organic matter. Phosphate encourages the production of amino acids, proteins, and carbohydrates necessary for cellular division.

  •  Resists “tie-up” with calcium or aluminium to remain water soluble and available to plant roots.
  •  Is non-salt-forming
  • Super Phos is quickly replacing all standard phosphorus sources with 15 x less product applied.
  • 1L of Super Phos can replace up to 15Kg of MAP.

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For Crops:

Avocado, Banana, Blue Berries, Citrus, Grapes, Macadamia, Pecan Nut, Pome Fruit, Potato, Soil Health, Stone Fruit, Sugarcane, Summer Grain, Vegetables, Winter Grain